Warmly welcome you on my page!

My name is Monika Koszegi and I have created this page as a tool. It designed to help you find out how you can enjoy your beautiful Life more.

As you are discovering your path, you meet challenges which are sometimes easier, and other times can be more difficult.

My mission is supporting you and showing you the strength and the power within you during your journey. So you can solve out any difficulties in your life with effectiveness and ease.

I am offering:

In 2012 I became a Theta Healing practitioner, and have finished the Quantum Leap Program shortly after.  My life’s journey went in a different direction. A much happier and fulfilled way, because I realized I always have a choice.  You always have a choice. Not one, but many! I have experienced more and more that I love my life! You can fall in love with your life over and over again.

Life has joy, fulfillment, happiness and so on not necessarily just sadness, problems and drama.

I believe that the Life is “the best composed game” ever, because everything is happening for a reason to help, guide, stop or encourage you to make steps, develop and discover your own life.

I am here to give you information, guidance, offer energy clearing and healing sessions, meditation classes, highlight how you can be aware of your actions, feelings, and the patterns of behaviors and thoughts more. Discover this platform what it can offer, and feel free to get in touch if you have questions or you would like to work with me and create a life, that you desire.




ThetaHealing® practitioner, Meditation teacher

Online:  Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp, Messenger

In person:  Lytham St. Annes


Email:  koszegimoni@gmail.com

The languauge of the classes: English or Hungarian.


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