What is meditation?
Meditation is an ancient practice. It has many different definitions dependent on its roots and where it has been practiced. They have been developed across many different countries and cultures.
Meditation can be defined as a
- ” mental exercise “
- ” mental form of yoga ”
- ” means of transforming the mind ”
- ” means awareness and focused attention “
- ” set of techniques that are intended to encourage a heightened state of awareness and focused attention”
- In overall, meditation is a learned and practiced skill.
In my opinion, meditation is an opportunity to meet with the person “Who You Are”.
When you meditate, you learn and see more about your existence and what is beyond it.
While you are placing your attention inwards, instead of placing it on others or on the circumstances, you gain the opportunity to find your answers about your life.
If you want to understand meditation and what is it exactly, you have to practice it.
The different styles and types of meditation, generally involves 5 major pillars.
They are:
- Relaxation
- Focus
- Awareness
- Stillness
- Witnessing or observing oneself.
With regular practice, these skills can be developed and sharpened.