Monika Koszegi

ThetaHealing® practitioner, Meditation teacher

Monika Koszegi

ThetaHealing® practitioner, Meditation teacher

Hi, I am Monika.

Since I was a child, I have loved observing people, their behaviors, and how they react in different life’s situations. The fact that I love working with people and always have a desire to want to understand human interactions, motivations, and psychology has led me to became a social worker.

The behaviors’ studies, psychology, communication and group dynamics skills, knowledge of changing management and self discovery have become my work tools.

theta healing monika koszegi

How do I know that I can help you?

The primary aim of my profession has become to empower people to believe in themselves and trust that they can create changes in their lives. Give support whilst shifting their perceptions and see their new opportunities. Let them know and feel that they can achieve their full potential.

I have also started my own self discovery journey since university, and that has not ended yet. This is how I got to know many different modalities such as kinesiology, Hellinger’s family recollection, rebirthing, trans breathing, psychodrama, supervision, mediation, and coaching.

A short time after I received my degree, I had realized that I had a burnout, because most of the time I was only working, and working, and working. I had neglected other parts of my life.

If you drive a brand new Ferrari with 320 km/hour speed constantly, it is going to break down. This is exactly what had happened with me.

That was the time when I discovered Theta Healing® and Quantum Leap modalities, which have helped me to solve the crises in my life and set me up new changes. I knew where to ask for help, and became determined to help myself, get up and carry on with my life. Meanwhile at the same time I have changed my career, went through a relationship crises and moved to a different country.

That was the most intense self discovery journey in my life, and I have handled different life’ situations that I have never thought I am capable of. I can see clearly what are my limits and how to grow.

Generally people tend to wait (including my old me) till their circumstances change drastically such as losing jobs, facing financial crises, diagnosed with an illness and so on. I have a better understanding now that we don’t have to wait for these drastic changes.

I can show you how you can transform your mistakes, doubts and imperfections into strengths, confidence, knowledge, and how to empower yourself. Together we can work on how to let go of everything, that is not serving you anymore, before life forces you to change.

When you feel ready to take control back of your life, and learn how to love it, get in touch.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Monika Koszegi

ThetaHealing Consultation

Change how you think, feel, perceive and behave. Working on your inner world you will transform your reality.

Meditation Group

Every time when you meditate, you meet with the person Who you are! 

Group meditation helps to form a habit of meditation.

Rebirth of Life

Monika Kőszegi

ThetaHealing® practitioner,

Meditation teacher

Online: Skype, WhatsApp, Messenger

In person:  Lytham St. Annes

Phone: 07760638577


The languauge of the classes: English or Hungarian.